Little Stitches, Theatre 503, review: Piercingly eloquent mini-dramas about FGM
A profoundly upsetting series of plays, but ones that give enhanced clarity as they explores the barbarous ritual from various angles...
A profoundly upsetting series of plays, but ones that give enhanced clarity as they explores the barbarous ritual from various angles...
... we need to know what it is that is happening around us and how to combat it. Little Stitches is a pleasing and informative place to look...
Team behind Little Stitches, BAREtruth's four-part play about female genital multilation, aims to open up debate on the issue...
Push wins Best Short Short Film at 2014 SENE Festival....
Daphne Alexander as Modesty makes her bold, brave, beautiful and believable....
Raw, informal and quietly profound. This surprising evening of London stories for our times, linked through musical interludes, addresses the big questions of life....
Daphne took time to answer a few questions about City Stories from Neil Cheesman of
Just Celebrity caught up with beautiful actress Daphne Alexander, to talk to her about her role as the 'female James Bond' Modesty Blaise, for a BBC Radio play....
A radio adaptation of Peter O’Donnell’s Modesty Blaise story A Taste for Death airs on BBC Radio 4 this week....
Modesty Blaise is glamorous, intelligent, rich and very, very cool. She's been called the female James Bond but she's much more interesting than that.....